씰에서 발견되는 온대,하위 북극해 및 북극 바다의 북대서양과 북 태평양


항구 물개 서식하고 얕은 지역의 하구,강,장소스와 해변은 폭로에서 썰.


항구개하지 않습이 정기적으로만 여행에서 검색을 먹습니다.,


Scientists estimate that the world harbor seal population currently is between 300,000 and 500,000 seals..

Harbor Seal Distribution & Population

Subspecies Distribution Population
P.v., richardsi eastern Pacific; Pribilof Islands to Baja California, Mexico 120,000 – 150,000
P.v. stejnegeri western Pacific; Bering Sea along the Kuril Islands to Hokkaido, Japan 12,500 – 13,500
P.v., vitulina northeastern Atlantic; along the European coast from Finland to Portugal, and the coast of Iceland 68,000 – 100,000
P.v. concolor western Atlantic; Greenland to the central United States 90,000 – 100,000
P.v., mellonae Seal Lakes in Canada (Quebec) 100 – 600

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